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You may attempt to be cool now by downplaying your desires, but the Moon's visit to your 8th House of Intimacy has you thinking about warmer things. You might just throw caution to the wind and surprise someone with your blunt approach. Your boldness may be what's necessary to overcome the resistance, even if you hadn't previously thought out your strategy. You might act without a plan, yet the results could be to your liking.
Taurus Horoscopes: Daily, Love & Monthly Forecast - MyDaily

> but the Moon's visit to your 8th House of Intimacy has you thinking about warmer things.
but the Moon's visit to your 8th House of Intimacy has you thinking about warmer things.

You may attempt to be cool now by downplaying your desires, but the Moon's visit to your 8th House of Intimacy has you thinking about warmer things
You might just throw caution to the wind and surprise someone with your blunt approach
あなたはしても良い ただ 投じる 注意深く 風に そしてあなたの率直なアプローチと共に誰かを驚かせる

throw caution to the wind:吹っ切れて思い切ったことをする

Your boldness may be what's necessary to overcome the resistance, even if you hadn't previously thought out your strategy
あなたの大胆さは 必要 乗り越えるために 妨害を、とはいえ あなたは手にしない 以前に 考え抜いた あなたの作戦
You might act without a plan, yet the results could be to your liking
あなたは 振る舞う事ができる 計画なしで、さらに結果はあなたの好きなようになるだろう



You could inadvertently hurt someone's feelings if you are overly critical today.
あなたは何の気なしに誰かの気持ちを傷つけるだろう もし あなたがあまりに批判的なら 今日
You can imagine the possibilities, yet you also see the obstacles.
This combination allows you to clearly point out where another person's performance falls short of his or her potential.
この組み合わせはあなたに許可する はっきりを指摘する 別の人たちの能力 落ちる(falls short of:達しない) 彼または彼女の潜在能力
Don't be so hard on everyone else; just keep doing whatever you can to lead by example.
みんなに辛く当たってはいけない さもないと ただ 受け入れられない あなたが実例で主導できる